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Interface with local ollama models using this module.

import { OllamaGeneration } from '@axflow/models/ollama/generation';
import type { OllamaGenerationTypes } from '@axflow/models/ollama/generation';
import { OllamaGeneration } from '@axflow/models/ollama/generation';
import type { OllamaGenerationTypes } from '@axflow/models/ollama/generation';
declare class OllamaGeneration {
  static stream: typeof stream;
  static streamBytes: typeof streamBytes;
  static streamTokens: typeof streamTokens;
declare class OllamaGeneration {
  static stream: typeof stream;
  static streamBytes: typeof streamBytes;
  static streamTokens: typeof streamTokens;


Ollama only provides streaming APIs, so Axflow does the same.


 * Stream a generation against an ollama serving endpoint. Return a stream of bytes.
 * Docs:
 * @param request The request body containing the model, prompt, and options.
 * @param options
 * @param options.apiurl The ollama serving url. defaults to
 * @param options.fetch The fetch implementation to use. defaults to globalthis.fetch.
 * @param options.headers Optionally add additional http headers to the request.
 * @param options.signal An abortsignal that can be used to abort the fetch request.
 * @returns A stream of bytes directly from the API.
declare function streamBytes(
  request: OllamaGenerationTypes.Request,
  options: OllamaGenerationTypes.RequestOptions
): Promise<ReadableStream<Uint8Array>>;
 * Stream a generation against an ollama serving endpoint. Return a stream of bytes.
 * Docs:
 * @param request The request body containing the model, prompt, and options.
 * @param options
 * @param options.apiurl The ollama serving url. defaults to
 * @param options.fetch The fetch implementation to use. defaults to globalthis.fetch.
 * @param options.headers Optionally add additional http headers to the request.
 * @param options.signal An abortsignal that can be used to abort the fetch request.
 * @returns A stream of bytes directly from the API.
declare function streamBytes(
  request: OllamaGenerationTypes.Request,
  options: OllamaGenerationTypes.RequestOptions
): Promise<ReadableStream<Uint8Array>>;


 * Stream a generation against an ollama serving endpoint, return javascript objects.
 * Example chunk:
 *   {
 *     token: { id: 11, text: ' and', logprob: -0.00002193451, special: false },
 *     generated_text: null,
 *     details: null
 *   }
 * @param request The request body containing the model, prompt, and options.
 * @param options
 * @param options.apiurl The ollama serving url. defaults to
 * @param options.fetch The fetch implementation to use. defaults to globalthis.fetch.
 * @param options.headers Optionally add additional http headers to the request.
 * @param options.signal An abortsignal that can be used to abort the fetch request.
 * @returns A stream of objects representing each chunk from the api.
declare function stream(
  request: OllamaGenerationTypes.Request,
  options: OllamaGenerationTypes.RequestOptions
): Promise<ReadableStream<OllamaGenerationTypes.Chunk>>;
 * Stream a generation against an ollama serving endpoint, return javascript objects.
 * Example chunk:
 *   {
 *     token: { id: 11, text: ' and', logprob: -0.00002193451, special: false },
 *     generated_text: null,
 *     details: null
 *   }
 * @param request The request body containing the model, prompt, and options.
 * @param options
 * @param options.apiurl The ollama serving url. defaults to
 * @param options.fetch The fetch implementation to use. defaults to globalthis.fetch.
 * @param options.headers Optionally add additional http headers to the request.
 * @param options.signal An abortsignal that can be used to abort the fetch request.
 * @returns A stream of objects representing each chunk from the api.
declare function stream(
  request: OllamaGenerationTypes.Request,
  options: OllamaGenerationTypes.RequestOptions
): Promise<ReadableStream<OllamaGenerationTypes.Chunk>>;


 * Stream a generation against an ollama serving endpoint, return only the text tokens.
 * @param request The request body containing the model, prompt, and options.
 * @param options
 * @param options.apiurl The ollama serving url. defaults to
 * @param options.fetch The fetch implementation to use. defaults to globalthis.fetch.
 * @param options.headers Optionally add additional http headers to the request.
 * @param options.signal An abortsignal that can be used to abort the fetch request.
 * @returns A stream of tokens from the API.
declare function streamTokens(
  request: OllamaGenerationTypes.Request,
  options: OllamaGenerationTypes.RequestOptions
): Promise<ReadableStream<string>>;
 * Stream a generation against an ollama serving endpoint, return only the text tokens.
 * @param request The request body containing the model, prompt, and options.
 * @param options
 * @param options.apiurl The ollama serving url. defaults to
 * @param options.fetch The fetch implementation to use. defaults to globalthis.fetch.
 * @param options.headers Optionally add additional http headers to the request.
 * @param options.signal An abortsignal that can be used to abort the fetch request.
 * @returns A stream of tokens from the API.
declare function streamTokens(
  request: OllamaGenerationTypes.Request,
  options: OllamaGenerationTypes.RequestOptions
): Promise<ReadableStream<string>>;