Interface with Ollama's Embeddings API using this module.
import { OllamaEmbedding } from '@axflow/models/ollama/embedding';
import type { OllamaEmbeddingTypes } from '@axflow/models/ollama/embedding';
import { OllamaEmbedding } from '@axflow/models/ollama/embedding';
import type { OllamaEmbeddingTypes } from '@axflow/models/ollama/embedding';
declare class OllamaEmbedding {
static run: typeof run;
declare class OllamaEmbedding {
static run: typeof run;
* Calculate text embeddings using a model served by Ollama.
* @see https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama/blob/main/docs/api.md#generate-embeddings
* @param request The request body sent to Ollama. It contains the prompt, the model, and some options.
* @param options
* @param options.apiUrl The url where the ollama embedding endpoint is served. Defaults to
* @param options.fetch A custom implementation of fetch. Defaults to globalThis.fetch.
* @param options.headers Optionally add additional HTTP headers to the request.
* @param options.signal An AbortSignal that can be used to abort the fetch request.
* @returns An object consisting of the text embeddings for the given prompt.
declare function run(
request: OllamaEmbeddingTypes.Request,
options: OllamaEmbeddingTypes.RequestOptions
): Promise<OllamaEmbeddingTypeOllamaEmbeddingTypes.Response>;
* Calculate text embeddings using a model served by Ollama.
* @see https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama/blob/main/docs/api.md#generate-embeddings
* @param request The request body sent to Ollama. It contains the prompt, the model, and some options.
* @param options
* @param options.apiUrl The url where the ollama embedding endpoint is served. Defaults to
* @param options.fetch A custom implementation of fetch. Defaults to globalThis.fetch.
* @param options.headers Optionally add additional HTTP headers to the request.
* @param options.signal An AbortSignal that can be used to abort the fetch request.
* @returns An object consisting of the text embeddings for the given prompt.
declare function run(
request: OllamaEmbeddingTypes.Request,
options: OllamaEmbeddingTypes.RequestOptions
): Promise<OllamaEmbeddingTypeOllamaEmbeddingTypes.Response>;